Articles by Hasan ul Banna Khan

Hasan is a Mechanical Engineer who works on Energy Efficiency and Energy Advisory related climate crisis mitigation projects. He has worked with Architecture and Engineering academia on integrating the passive design and sustainable cooling concepts in the curriculum. He has also worked with informal housing communities to co-create simple, cheap, and effective thermal comfort solutions.

Retrofitting existing buildings consists of making modifications that may improve energy efficiency or decrease energy demand. But one may ask why care about decreasing energy demand when you can just pay extra to get all the energy one needs? However, a holistic perspective that surpasses mere monetary considerations is required for a transition towards energy-efficient spaces. An assessment by the International Energy Agency (2021) indicates that energy demand in buildings in India has grown by 40% since 2000, mostly on account of growing appliance ownership, especially air conditioners, and increased access to modern cooking fuels. The direct use of fossil…

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