
While roads and related infrastructure were given importance in this year’s state budget, housing, education and health were neglected. With the BBMP budget slated to be announced soon, Citizen Matters Bengaluru, organised a webinar, 'The mysterious process of Bengaluru’s budget allocations', on February 23rd, to raise questions about why some sectors are given preference over others, the source of funds, the format of the expenditure, and more. Citizen Matters hosted a webinar on the dissemination and allocation of state and municipal finance. Pic: Citizen Matters The discussion was anchored by Bhanu Sridharan, and the panellists were Kathyayini Chamaraj, executive trustee…

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Books connect readers to voices from the past, from alternative universes, from lives of people we don’t know. Books transport us to unknown worlds, while simultaneously revealing and helping us interpret the realities of our own. Books transform, by making us think, wonder and find our own voices. Public libraries, therefore, can be the centre of such transformation — for both individuals and communities.   Libraries, however, can be more than a repository of books.  During the pandemic and subsequent lock down, community-run free libraries in India educated its members on social distancing and masking, helped them book vaccination appointments, filled…

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Another legislation. Another new Authority called the Bengaluru Metropolitan Land Transport Authority (BMLTA). Ostensibly designed for the regulation of development, operation, maintenance, monitoring, and supervision of urban mobility, within what the bill calls the Urban Mobility Region, by unifying all the different public transport entities into one overarching body. The BMLTA is just two months old, but has been given its first assignment. The detailed project report of the contentious Sankey Road flyover project, which is strongly opposed by citizens and mobility experts, was handed over to the young BMLTA for evaluation of the feasibility of the project. Its first…

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"En ward-u," says Councillor V Kaviganesan of Ward 12, to the 26 conservancy workers of his ward who are assembled for a meeting at 6 am. "En veedu," respond the workers. This drill lasts three to four times before the conservancy workers leave for work every day. "My ward is my home" has become the motto of the civic workers in Ward 12. V Kaviganesan of the DMK says that this is his first stint, and he wants to do his best to serve his people. He is also a practicing lawyer at the Madras High Court at the moment.…

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"If I had been made a Ward Committee member, I would have pushed for relocation of the wine shop near my lane so that women can walk around safely after sunset," says Mallika, a daily wage worker from Nesapakkam, Ward 137 of the Greater Chennai Corporation. Unfortunately, she was unaware of when the councillor of her ward chose the Area Sabha Representatives or who the Ward Committee Member of her area was. "The councillor came during the local body election time. I do not recollect seeing him coming after that," she says. While it has been touted as a platform…

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After the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) put out an open call on Twitter for suggestions on the upcoming BMC budget, over 1,000 responses poured in. Citizens, by virtue of their lived experience, have plenty to ask from the budget of the municipality, expected to be released today (February 4th) and likely to entail allocations of over Rs 45000 crore. As the city's most popular and effective citizen welfare and grievance redressal forum, we at Mumbai North Central District Forum (MNCDF) too have a list of demands from the municipality. Our network of 110 members come from different walks and areas…

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On January 18th, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) asked people for their suggestions on the municipal budget, a step towards the making of a democratic participatory budget. And while there have been criticisms of the timing and structure of the call, many have responded. Below are a few suggestions from a few citizens, some of whom are experts in their fields. Rini Annie Cherian, program coordinator at Praja Foundation The 2022-23 BMC budget speech had made some progressive proposals for infrastructure and environmental rehabilitation of various locations in the city, but fell short in carrying forward the proposed plans of…

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The rapid urbanisation of Chennai calls for a better plan for the city's growth. Master Plans play a crucial role in defining the direction of a city's growth. Chennai so far has seen two Master Plans. While the First Master Plan was intended to be in effect between 1976 and 2001, it lasted till August 2008. The Second Master Plan, which has been in effect since 2008, lasts till 2026. The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA), has started the visioning exercise for the preparation of the Third Master Plan which will span from 2026 to 2046 for Chennai and has…

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Translated by Sandhya Raju பிற மீனவர்களோடு, ஜனவரி 9 அன்று, சங்கரும் கடலுக்கு சென்றார். கடலில் போடப்பட்ட வலையை எடுக்கையில், கால் தவறி தண்ணீருக்குள் அவர் விழுந்தார். அவரை உடனடியாக மற்ற மீனவர்கள் மீட்டனர். ஆனால் அவருக்கு காயங்கள் ஏற்பட்டன. கடலில் போட்ட வலையை எடுக்காமல், அவர்களால் படகை கரைக்கு திருப்ப முடியாது என்பதால், உடனடி சிகிச்சை அளிக்க வேண்டிய தருணத்தை கடந்தனர். பின்னர் 108 ஆம்புலன்ஸ் சேவையை அழைத்து அவருக்கு முதலுதவி கொடுக்கப்பட்டது. மேற்சிகிச்சைக்காக மருத்தவமனையில் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்ட சங்கர், ஐந்து நாட்கள் பின் உயிரிழந்தார்.  கடலுக்குள் தினந்தோறும் செல்லும் மீனவர்கள் சந்திக்கும் சாதாரண அவசர நிலை இது,” என்கிறார், தென்னிந்திய மீனவர்கள் நலச்சங்க தலைவர் கே. பாரதி.  சென்னையில் பெரும்பாலன மீனவர்கள் கண்ணாடியிழை மீன்பிடி படகுகளை பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர். இவர்கள் 12 கடல் மைல் (22 கி.மீ) சுற்றளவுக்குள் பயணிக்கின்றனர்.  “சூழ்நிலையை பொருத்து கரையை அடைய சுமார் 3 முதல்…

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As Chennai expands and develops at warp speed, it becomes vital to streamline growth. The Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA) has been organising public consultations across the Chennai Metropolitan Area to prepare the vision document for the Third Master Plan (2026-2046). What should be the focus of the Third Master Plan? How can we make public consultations more participatory? What do the people in Chennai want from it? Citizen Matters puts together a panel with six panellists to discuss these issues: CMDA Member Secretary Anshul Mishra, Town Planner K M Sadhanandh, Former Professor and Guest Faculty KP Subramanian of Anna…

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