Our new look

Hello. Effective June 2013, Citizen Matters gets a new look and also a new engine and wheels underneath the stuff you see, read, and contribute to! We’ve made a number of changes. If you are wondering about this, read further. Otherwise, just continue using the site, nothing to worry.

Most important changes

  • A more spaced-out design.
  • You can now login to CM using you Google, Facebook or LinkedIn social media accounts. We hope this make it easier for you to share articles, pictures, comments, discussions with your fellow citizens of Bangalore.
  • The site will load faster than before and can handle the growing audience better. We are continuing to tune performance even more.
  • Checkout the cool new feature called Quick Post which will allow you to share something of importance with the city very quickly. We will tweak this feature as more of you use it.
  • Our mobile web site now sports an ALL NEW, sleek and simple design. If you access CM on your smartphone, it will automatically render at m.bangalore.citizenmatters.in. Enjoy. Unlike other mobile news websites, where you can only read, you can login into mobile Citizen Matters to post, share, and comment too! Use your Facebook and LinkedIn IDs to login easily.
  • If you are on 7-inch tablets and higher, the desktop site will render automatically. If you would like to force the mobile site, click the mobile link on the top of the site.

Thank you and we hope you like our new new look. Please send brickbats and bouquets to edit AT citizenmatters.in . We’re always reading.

And, as always, we are indebted to the open source software community for doing everything they have to keep the World Wide Web an open place to foster the best of innovation and practices.

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